The 2025 Poco Trail Relay - August 31st:
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Poco Trail Relay (24.3km) - September 8, 2024
START TIME: 8:30am!!
For a detailed description of each leg, scroll down towards the bottom of this page.
Click here to register:
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Poco Trail Relay Description:
How it works: The relay can be run individually, in a team of 2, in a team of 3, or in a team of 4 people. As a team, you decide who will run which leg. Here’s a structure breakdown:
- 4 runners – each runner chooses to run 1 leg on the course.
- 3 runners – 2 runners choose 1 leg each, while 1 runner chooses to run 2 legs on the course.
- 2 runners – each runner chooses how they wish to divide the legs up on the course.
- 1 runner – runs the whole thing
Start: Behind Hyde Creek Rec Centre at the 0km marker (Detailed info on each leg is listed at the bottom of this page).
Leg 1 – 7.25k – Hyde Creek to Sherling Pl. (at the end of the cul-de-sac veer right and park anywhere in the business complex. The exchange point is in front of Tinhouse Brewing).
Leg 2 – 6.75k – Sherling Pl. to Citadel Landing (park in the parking lot on Argue Str near the corner of Shaughnessy and Mary Hill Bypass).
Leg #3 – 5.4k – Citadel Landing to south part of Gates Park (park at Riverside Secondary off Reeves Str. and walk up the dirt path behind the baseball diamond and up onto the trail next to Grass soccer field #2).
Leg #4 – 4.9k – Gates Park to Hyde Creek - Take the outside trail around Gates and continue on the trail to the blue bridge. Turn right and run up Patricia to the finish line at Hyde Creek Rec Centre.
Race Day logistics:
- Each team is responsible for their own transportation. Travel as a team while cheering on your runner. On course support is encouraged.
- Teams report to Hyde Creek Rec Centre for the opening ceremonies at 8:15am. #1 runners will join the corral at the start line, while their team mates cheer them on.
- Once the race begins at 8:30am, the other team runners will make their way by vehicle to exchange point #1 at the end of Sherling Ave. Park in either parking lots by Emilio Finati’s or Tinhouse Brewing. If this is an exchange point for your team, the #2 runner will then get ready for the tag and begin their leg #2 run. If your #1 runner is continuing to exchange point #2, give them some encouragement!!
- If your #1 runner just finished, gather them and your team then head to exchange point #2 on Argue Str. Park in the parking lot just off the Mary Hill Bypass and Shaughnessy.
- Once the exchange point #2 tag has been made, gather your team and head to exchange point #3. Off Reeve Str., park at Riverside Secondary in the north parking lot and walk up the back lane between the forest and the soccer/baseball fields up onto the Poco Trail for your final exchange.
- After the exchange, make your way back to the start/finish line at Hyde Creek Rec Centre and enjoy the amenities at the Runner’s Village.
- Post-race awards and celebrations to be announced.
Registration: Get your team together. Decide who will run which leg. Come up with a fun team name and click here to register:
Detailed directions of each leg:
Leg 1: From the start line, right down the Poco Trail. At 1.4km you will reach Cedar Dr. Turn left onto the silver footbridge (photo #1 below) and carry on the path. At the corner of Cedar and Victoria(photo #2 below), you'll make a right and a quick left while a flagger stops traffic for your safe passage. Carry onto the dyke as it takes you along the DeBouville Slough and the Pitt River. At the 7km marker, you will see the exchange point directly in front of you. High 5 your team mate and wish them luck!
Leg 2:
Carry on the Poco Trail as it winds and bends under the Pitt River bridge. (Time-lapse video below) You will then leave the dyke and carry on down the road. Turn right on Perkins (photo 1 below) and follow the path as it takes you left and left (photo 2 below) under the CP rail bridge. Take the 2nd path on the left at the bus stop (photo 3 below). Follow the path (photo 4 below) and turn left onto Kinsgway (photo 5 below). At the end of Kingsway, head back up onto the dyke and carry on along the Pitt River. You will arrive to a paved road, stay to the left as you pass the Gillnetter Pub and Pitt River Rd, just keep going straight. You will then come up to Argue Str. Continue straight ahead and stay on the small path on the left of the street. As you near the end of Argue Str., you will see the #2 exchange point (photo below).
Carry on the Poco Trail as it winds and bends under the Pitt River bridge. (Time-lapse video below) You will then leave the dyke and carry on down the road. Turn right on Perkins (photo 1 below) and follow the path as it takes you left and left (photo 2 below) under the CP rail bridge. Take the 2nd path on the left at the bus stop (photo 3 below). Follow the path (photo 4 below) and turn left onto Kinsgway (photo 5 below). At the end of Kingsway, head back up onto the dyke and carry on along the Pitt River. You will arrive to a paved road, stay to the left as you pass the Gillnetter Pub and Pitt River Rd, just keep going straight. You will then come up to Argue Str. Continue straight ahead and stay on the small path on the left of the street. As you near the end of Argue Str., you will see the #2 exchange point (photo below).
An attendant will be stationed at the Mary Hill Bypass to push the button when they see you leave the exchange point. Be patient with our attendant, they're trying their best to get you across the Bypass as fast as they can. DO NOT RUN ACROSS ON A RED LIGHT!! WAIT FOR A GREEN LIGHT AND THE "WALK" SIGN TO LIGHT UP!! After crossing the Mary Hill Bypass, a small path along Shaughnessy (photo 1 below) will lead you to a sharp left into Tla-Hut-Um Park (formerly known as Colony Farms). Follow along as the path meanders right and soon you'll see a bridge on your left(photo 2 below). Turn left onto the bridge (photo 3 below) and turn right after the bridge. In 1.2km after the bridge, there is a minor fork in the path. Stay right towards the solar panels (photo 4 below) and carry on to Pitt River Rd (photo 5 below). Stay on the sidewalk and cross OVER the Coquitlam River. Once over the river, take a hairpin turn onto the path (photo 6 below) that takes you to the other side of Pitt River Rd (time lapse video below). Once past the parking lot, stay left onto the paved trail and you will soon be at your destination in Gates Park.
Leg 4: expect to wait briefly at Coast Meridian
From the south side of Gates Park, head west and make your way around the perimeter of Gates Park. Stay on the paved path and continue under the CP rail bridge, then the Lougheed Hwy bridge, then carry on the path until you get to the "Blue Bridge" (photo 1 below). Turn right up the path. A flagger will meet you and stop traffic for your passage onto Patricia (photo 2 below). Continue on Patricia and through Oxford while making a slight jog to the right and left (photo 3 below) to stay on Patricia. Continue on Patricia and onto a small path through a park (photo 4 below) and continue on Patricia crossing Wellington. As you get close to Coast Meridian, an attendant will push the traffic light button to reduce any wait time. Be patient and thank the attendant. Cross Coast Meridian, continue straight onto the gravel path, and turn right as you are now about 300m to the finish line where the cheering crowds await your arrival. Congrats, your team has now completed the 24.3km Poco Trail Relay.
From the south side of Gates Park, head west and make your way around the perimeter of Gates Park. Stay on the paved path and continue under the CP rail bridge, then the Lougheed Hwy bridge, then carry on the path until you get to the "Blue Bridge" (photo 1 below). Turn right up the path. A flagger will meet you and stop traffic for your passage onto Patricia (photo 2 below). Continue on Patricia and through Oxford while making a slight jog to the right and left (photo 3 below) to stay on Patricia. Continue on Patricia and onto a small path through a park (photo 4 below) and continue on Patricia crossing Wellington. As you get close to Coast Meridian, an attendant will push the traffic light button to reduce any wait time. Be patient and thank the attendant. Cross Coast Meridian, continue straight onto the gravel path, and turn right as you are now about 300m to the finish line where the cheering crowds await your arrival. Congrats, your team has now completed the 24.3km Poco Trail Relay.
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors: